Lori Fetrick, formerly known as Ice from American Gladiators, currently lives in California. Lori is a renowned figure in the fitness and entertainment industry, has established herself as a multifaceted professional with an impressive range of accomplishments. Widely recognized for her role as ‘Ice’ on the original American Gladiators, Lori continues to make an impact through her diverse ventures. Through the Playground Warriors Lori hopes to encourage children to encompass and embrace a life long love of fitness and health.
About the Author
Lori Fetrick, formerly known as Ice from American Gladiators, currently lives in California. Lori is a renowned figure in the fitness and entertainment industry, has established herself as a multifaceted professional with an impressive range of accomplishments. Widely recognized for her role as ‘Ice’ on the original American Gladiators, Lori continues to make an impact through her diverse ventures. Through the Playground Warriors Lori hopes to encourage children to encompass and embrace a life long love of fitness and health.